GIVE US A CALL: 866-711-0201
LEA Environmental
LEA should be the first call when determining your course of action in response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Our extensive relevant experience will assist in giving you answers to your questions, and the best guidance.
We strive to provide consultation that will document the environmental health and safety of your space.
Typical COVID-19 response scenarios include:
• Training (Remote & On-Site): Courses are tailored to the needs of the worker, to include personal protective equipment (PPE) personal hygiene and awareness, as well as response procedures in accordance with CDC guidance.
• Oversight & Consultation: LEA functions as the consultant you can call at any time to answer your questions; a resource that can’t be duplicated.
• Scope of Work Delineation: Site-specific cleaning and sanitizing protocols to best handle each location.
• Post-Cleaning Verification: LEA provides state-of-the-art testing methodologies that can provide instantaneous results to verify and document the conditions in your space.
o Surface sampling methodologies to provide instantaneous results.
o Rapid result total viable bacteria counts
o COVID-19 Air and Surface sampling
• Inspection of workplace environments: As workplaces reopen after a period of potential dormancy, due to “work from home” operations, it is important that indoor environmental quality conditions are verified. This will often include indoor air quality investigations, potable water quality investigations, and building systems inspections. LEA can provide consultation on best practices when reoccupying a space, and verification of conditions.

Need more information?
Contact us today and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!